With summer nearing, I thought I’d take an opportunity to recommend some travel reading that you may enjoy. Being a traveler myself you can be assured these titles are offered digitally to lighten your load. Enjoy and select those which may fit your interests.
Marginal Boundaries: Live Like A Local in Cancun, Mexico

Tim Anderson of Marginal Boundaries breaks down living in Cancun, Mexico for us. This is the very book that convinced me to become a nomad with Cancun as my first stop. Most people think of Cancun as a vacation or spring break location, but Tim points out there is much more to this city than just the “hotel zone”.
With 105 pages of in-depth information that is designed for location independent digital nomads and expats as well as savvy adventurers and pensioners who enjoy getting the most out of their travels and experience life on the ground like the people who live there, the Marginal Boundaries Live Like a Local in Cancun, Mexico guide gives you everything you need to know to explore and live in the city just like the locals do, ranging from:
- Tips on navigating local immigration policies
- Detailed breakdown of the various residency visas and how you can apply for them
- Local accommodations and referrals based on places I’ve lived so you can enjoy prices as low as $250 a month for fully furnished and equipped studio apartments, houses, condos and beyond, places you will never find on the Internet (such as my current two room apartment, which rents for $300 per month as of June, 2012; fully furnished and fully equipped)
- Local restaurant reviews and recommendations you will never find on Google, including which restaurants have discount days ranging from 30% to 50% off, every week
- Local market breakdown, plus a detailed overview of discount days so you can get the best prices on groceries (check out my YouTube video on saving $5,000 a year on your grocery bill by shopping like a local)
- Negotiation tips and practices specific to Cancun, and Mexico as a whole, as well as local discount rates to avoid paying the gringo tax
- Detailed overview of transportation options in Cancun, and the real prices for buses, taxis and car rentals
- Local customs and culture advice to avoid making social errors
- Detailed breakdown of the various plazas throughout Cancun
- Referrals ranging from local accommodations to local fixers, handymen, immigration specialists and more
His personal connections in the city, ranging from bankers to immigration lawyers to local fixers, shop owners, handymen, restaurant owners, real estate brokers, language teachers, medical tourism experts, school teachers and beyond. This Cancun guide is current as of December, 2012 with everything you need to know to enjoy your time in the Mexican Caribbean, regardless if you are here for two weeks or six months.
Click here to view more details
How To Live A Life Of Travel
How To Live A Life Of Travel is the most comprehensive guide I’ve read for people who want to get out the door and travel more.. It is a complete resource with Wandering Earl showing you the way and tackling every problem from multiple angles. Along with Earl’s entertaining personal travel story, by the end you’ll be encouraging your friends to come with you since you’ll be more than convinced a life of travel is possible for anyone.
Click here to view more details
How To Get A Job On A Cruise Ship
Get paid to travel around the world by learning how to get a job in the cruise ship industry. That’s exactly what Earl Baron did and he’s been traveling for over 11 years now. This guide is essential to help you crack an industry that’s notoriously difficult to navigate helping you avoid many of the scams out there. This 175-page detailed guide is the best information about working on cruise ships you’ll find anywhere online.
Click here to view more details
How To Travel For Free (or pretty damn near it!)
Shelley Seale and Keith Hajovsky were tired of the conventional wisdom which says that you have to spend a lot of money to travel the world. These two well-traveled vagabonds have managed to do it for decades and in this book they offer travel-cheap insights they have accumulated over many years of gallivanting around the globe.
While there are many travel resources and guidebooks out there that tell you how to travel on the cheap, how to save money, how to get the best airfares. They have read and used many of them, and there are lots of good ones around. “How To Travel For Free (or pretty damn near it!)” is different in that they share their own personal resources and experiences to show ways in which you can travel not just cheaply, but for free – or damn close to it.
If you or someone you know wants to learn how to see and experience the world without the need to have or to spend large amounts of money like so many in the travel industry will have you believe, then buy this book now and start your own personal journey toward your dreams of independent travel freedom!
Click here to view more details
Extended World Travel
Maria Berkestam and Magnus Drysen show you how you CAN change your life forever by traveling the world, no matter what your circumstances are. This eBook is dedicated to guide, support and inspire you to follow your dreams. It is not for finding out about the cheapest airline or the most affordable hotels. Nor is it about what tourist sites to visit around the world or what currency they use in different countries. After reading this book you’ll have more clarity about things like:
• Why traveling actually is good for you. You’ll see how you too can benefit from taking time off and going out in the world
• How to get the money you’ll need to go traveling the world
• How to find the time that will allow you to take months off from your everyday commitments
• What you can do to make it possible to leave your job and go on the journey of your life instead
• How to handle the school issue so you can take your kids out in the world and let them collect first hand experiences
• How to deal with dream stealers like unsupportive friends, coworkers and family members and instead find the support you need to really be able to go on your dream trip – with a good conscience
• How to handle issues you might have around travel and health, travel and crime, or maybe fear of flying – and learn how you can prepare yourself and feel and be more safe
• What you want to do on your trip, how to let your specific interests and needs allow you to indulge in the things that really make your heart sing
• Means of transport and how to get around on your trip, how to find accommodations and, of course, where you want to go. You’ll be excited when you find your perfect way to create your best trip ever
• How to travel and stay for free. How your personal areas of interests and your own network of friends can make your trip both extra fun and interesting as well as extremely economical
• How to continue to live a freer and more independent life even when you’re back from your trip (if you do choose to come back)
Their own journeys have also brought them in touch with numerous people who have traveled the world for extended periods of time, and quite extensively. What they have learned from them, combined with what they learned for themselves, can create a reality out of your dreams of traveling long term.
Click here for more details.
Note: While these are real recommendations and comments, I must mention I do get a couple of bucks if you decide to buy. But hey look at it this way, you’ll be helping a retiree out who’s on a fixed income!